
Full-Body 2-Day

12-Week, 3-Phase Solo Template

Get In... Make Gains... Get Out

Full-Body splits are designed to maximise progress when the gym isn’t your life and you can’t (or don’t even want to) train 4 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contrary to popular “gym bro” belief…. not only can muscle and strength gain be achieved without training every single day of the week…
It’s actually better to split up your sessions and train each muscle more than once per week.
This version is programmed over 2 days.

Why Full-Body 2-Day?

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This feature will be available on TRI APP Only!

Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.

Get told what to dohow to do it and then track your training so you know what you’ve done so far and where to progress in the future.

Until the app is released you will be able to maintain your training by completing TRI programs below. 

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Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.