The side lying rotation drill will help improve rotation of the upper back and hips whilst training the ability of the shoulder to protract. It can be used as a quick warm-up drill, rehab/neuromuscular control drill or just an accessory in general strength training to improve rotation in individuals who don’t rotate their upper spine […]


Most individuals are unable to isolate and move their shoulder blades properly through their usual range of motion (retraction and then into protraction). This leads to compensation elsewhere, decreased loading of the upper back musculature and decreased thoracic mobility/rotation. By specifically practicing the pattern of protraction and retraction in early rehab/strength training, we can ensure […]


The upside down KB hold is an exercise that challenges shoulder neuromuscular control with an unstable load (a factor the body needs to respond to regularly unlike unstable surfaces such as the bosu ball). General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-25s each side.


The torch press will improve shoulder strength and endurance above head and can be a great shoulder rehab top up at the end of a session. It can also be used prior to upper body strength training to warm the shoulder up in individuals who like the prep. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 8-15 reps each […]


When done correctly, this is a great exercise to train the upper back whilst raising the arms above head with shoulder flexion. It can help train the pattern of overhead movement without low back extension/compensation. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 8-25 reps.


A classic single leg exercise that can be biased slightly towards more quad or glute loading. It is great for hip mobility, stability and overall leg strength and endurance. A staple in most of my programs at one point or another. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-20 reps each side.


Using the TRX to increase external stability will help train good hip, knee and ankle movement to practice the lunge pattern. This can be especially useful in early rehab or for beginners. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-20 reps each side.


This exercise is good for early groin rehabilitation or whenever you need to strengthen the adductors in their shortened position. General prescription: 3-10 sets, 5-60s.


The SL deadlift w/ thoracic rotation is a great exercise for improving glute endurance and strength, hip extension whilst challenging thoracic rotation. It can help improve hip and trunk control and coordination. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-15 reps each side.


The tibialis anterior muscle is commonly undertrained, but is an important muscle (especially for runners and athletes) that supports ankle mobility, stability, strength and endurance. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-25 reps.

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