The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) is a big, strong superficial neck muscle that usually gets overworked to stabilise and move the neck due to a lack of deep neck flexor strength and endurance. These lying neck progressions will teach you how to train and use your deep neck flexors, to not only progress neck and shoulder rehab […]

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Where Should I Send The Sign-Up Info?

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This feature will be available on TRI APP Only!

Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.

Get told what to dohow to do it and then track your training so you know what you’ve done so far and where to progress in the future.

Until the app is released you will be able to maintain your training by completing TRI programs below. 

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Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.