A classic single leg exercise that can be biased slightly towards more quad or glute loading. It is great for hip mobility, stability and overall leg strength and endurance. A staple in most of my programs at one point or another. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-20 reps each side.


Using the TRX to increase external stability will help train good hip, knee and ankle movement to practice the lunge pattern. This can be especially useful in early rehab or for beginners. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-20 reps each side.


The tibialis anterior muscle is commonly undertrained, but is an important muscle (especially for runners and athletes) that supports ankle mobility, stability, strength and endurance. General prescription: 3-5 sets, 5-25 reps.


This exercise will be useful to improve dorsiflexion of the ankle in the short-term in early rehab, prior to strength training and/or running. The exercise itself will not improve ROM long-term, but the short-term improvement will allow training and strengthening in deeper ranges, leading to long-term improvements. In the long-term, it will be important to […]


This calf raise variation can be used to progress from big toe extension mobilisation in rehab, to now beginning to strengthen the plantar fascia under load whilst consolidating the extra mobility. General prescription: 3-4 sets, 6-12 reps.


Mobilising the big toe into extension prior to strength training or foot/ankle rehabilitation will be useful to improve foot supination, arch support and overall arch motion. It is an important part of the windlass mechanism, by which the plantar fascia supports the foot during weight-bearing activities. General prescription: 2-3 sets, 10-15 reps each side.


Using this exercise will help pull the ‘talus’ bone down whilst going into dorsiflexion to improve range of motion at the ankle (if that is the cause of reduced mobility). The exercise itself will not improve ROM long-term, but the short-term improvement will allow training and strengthening in deeper ranges, leading to long-term improvements. In […]

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