How to actually recover from training so you can make the progress you’re chasing. If you’re hoping I’ll tell you to take an ice bath or jump in a sauna, this definitely isn’t the video for you.


Is it all what it’s made out to be or are you wasting your time?


Which ones are worth the money and which ones just create expensive urine?


What is DOMS and how can you reduce it?


Will it derail your progress or can you have a drink (or 10).

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Where Should I Send The Sign-Up Info?

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Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.

Get told what to dohow to do it and then track your training so you know what you’ve done so far and where to progress in the future.

Until the app is released you will be able to maintain your training by completing TRI programs below. 

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Once the app is live, you will be able to download TRI App via the links below and access this feature.