Note: Keep ribs compressed and don’t arch lower back. Drive elbows back whilst holding onto handles to create tension in back and increase stability.
Use the fields below to record WEIGHT and RPE of each set below:
Note: 1 and ¼ rep (go down, up a quarter of the rep, then back down, then all the way back up. Heels raised, keep ribs compressed, stay upright and let knees travel forward to create space to squat down into ~120-180s rest
Note: Keep ribs compressed and focus on full range of motion before trying to load up heavy. ~90s rest
Note: Press through midfoot, with feet high and narrow-ish. Only work in active range (lower back shouldn’t round at the bottom of the rep)
Note: Keep ribs compressed and chest/head on bench. Can stand or lay down. DB, KB or BB, your personal preference. ~120-180s rest
Note: SL. Feet straight, 2s pause at bottom.
Note: Push knees as far forward over toes as possible whilst keeping heel on the ground. ~90-120s rest