End The Vicious Cycle And Eliminate Your Pain, For Good...
Access the Brand New “Pain Codex Model Of Rehabilitation” I use to treat all of my NRL athletes with a 99% success rate with any training goal or injury.
(EVEN if you’ve never had a coach before…)

Avg. First Month
Pain Decrease
Avg. Program
Strength Increase
Success Stories
of Model So Far...
Who We've Helped

Trust Me, I Feel Your Pain... 👇🏻
Your situation is a lot more common than you think.
I went through it all myself and have now helped transform hundreds of people in your exact position…

You’ve Tried “EVERYTHING" (Google, YouTube, Instagram “Gurus”, Random Blogs…)
However nothing seems to be working, and you’re only left feeling overwhelmed, stressed and burn-out. You just want to follow something that works.

Your “Prime” Days Feel Like A Distant Memory…
You think your best days are behind you. Pain and injuries are making it almost impossible for you to juggle your health, career and family/friends…

You Are Consistent And Love Training Hard
But you’re finding it less and less enjoyable because you’re making no progress, you’re still stiff and sore when you wake up in the morning and you HATE looking in the mirror.

You Know “Health is Wealth”
But you’re stressed at the fact you’re starting to get older and not being able to take action is starting to affect your mental health.

Your Confidence Is At An All Time Low…
Talking to other men or women is terrifying because you feel insecure, skinny and unattractive. Going to the gym makes you feel anxious as you feel like you just can’t keep up anymore.

You’ve Tried Countless Online "Coaches” Because They Have Big Muscles...
But you’re fed up wasting money on generic, copy and paste “individualised” programs only for them to rarely talk to you (if at all…) let alone provide a plan.

How Does The 'Pain Codex' Model Work?
Phase 1
Eliminate YOUR pain by understanding how the body and brain ACTUALLY work
Identify the root cause of YOUR pain and what YOUR body needs, so you can build YOUR rehab on a foundation of concrete

Phase 2
Follow a SIMPLE step-by-step process to understand and execute optimal training and rehabilitation, so you can avoid flare-ups, plateaus and further injury for GOOD

Reveal Phase 2
Phase 3
Know exactly HOW and WHEN to return to normal activity to significantly reduce the risk of re-injury.
Create a long term plan to ascend beyond your pre-injury performance and return to your BEST self.

Reveal Phase 3
Re-Defining "Rehab"
And on top of it all, trying to navigate your pain alone or through monthly appointments is even harder…

Face To Face "Rehab"
(Physios, EP's, Chiro etc...)
- 1-2 hours a week of generic “help”
- 90% of the session is spent training, not talking/planning
- Left by yourself for 166 hours each week
- Limited "access" to 1 person
- No feedback on training done outside of sessions
- You’re just another session in their calendar
- No contact outside of sessions (unless you pay for a phone consult)
- “Training” only focus
- No education, meaning you have no idea about your situation
- Given generic “protocol” that are used for every client
- No access to community of like-minded people on the same journey

The Pain Codex System
- Long-term, sustainable lifestyle focus
- Supported for EVERY hour of the week
- Communication, guidance and accountability 24/7
- Book calls whenever you need
- Access to a TEAM (EP, nutritionist, psychological scientist and physiotherapist)
- Daily exercise technique feedback
- Daily recovery and readiness assessment
- 90% of the program is based around education, feedback and planning
- Part of a community
- Private health and Medicare rebatable
- Programs updated whenever you need (even when you travel, get sick)
Remove the Guesswork
Unleash Your Potential
Take Advantage Of A Brand New Rehabilitation Model That Guarantees Success With (Almost) Any Training Goal Or Injury
“Traditional” rehab has always focused on “correcting” and “manipulating” the body, yet more people are in pain than ever…
It works for EVERYONE… All the way from my Elite International NRL Athletes, to my weekend warriors, veterans and more…

And I understand, by this point, you’ve probably paid a few PT’s, bought a few online programs, and as a result are maybe a little hesitant to jump into something new.
I’m not here to just take your money.
The free strategy call is designed for us to vet each other. We will discuss your training history, current pain/injuries, and any training goals you are looking to achieve.
If you’re serious about making the change you need, but want to find out a bit more before diving in, book a complimentary strategy session using the link below!
P.S. Let's Be Blunt...👇🏻
There is no such as thing as the “right time”.
There’s always going to be another thing that comes up.
First it will be someones birthday…
Then Christmas will come…
Then New Years…
Then this… and that…
There’s always going to be “another thing”.
It’s actually beneficial if the time of life that you’re about to enter is “harder”…
Because if we can get you through that, it’s extremely likely you’ll be able to encounter anything else that pops up or gets in your way.
It’s a harsh but true reality that if can only be successful in “perfect” conditions, it’s almost certain that your progress and habits will not last for the long run… and you know you want this to be forever because you’re sick of stopping and starting.
So if you want to make this change sustainable and you want to make it for good… it’s important to start now and get through the hardest period, so we know that you’re going to stick with it for good.
Resilience Rehab & Performance (RRP)
Frequently Asked Questions
As both student and accredited exercise physiologist, Hayden has worked in a wide variety of roles under the AEP scope of practice. Including but not limited to the following populations: NRL club, elite international level athletes, semi-professional and amateur athletes, youth athletic development, athletic performance, gym training, powerlifting along with private clinic and hospital setting (acute and chronic musculoskeletal, neurological, traumatic brain injury, cardiopulmonary, respiratory, metabolic/chronic disease, neuromuscular, cancer, mental illness and more).
Solo Templates – Premium, affordable and accessible DIY training programs delivered on a training application used by elite, international sporting teams in the NBA, NFL, EPL and more.
FREE Pain Quiz – Reveals the actual cause of your ache, injury or pain and tells you exactly what to do to fix it.
Pain Codex 1-1 Online Exercise Physiology Program – comprehensive 1-1 rehabilitation and athletic performance. Fix ANY ache, pain, niggle or injury in 12 weeks using our Pain Codex System (with a 99% success rate), OR we’ll work with you for FREE until it’s fixed.
Exercise Physiologists
Exercise Scientists
Psychological Scientists
They cost less than your go-to uber eats order and run for 12-WEEKS, split into 3-phases.
You will be able to view exercise demonstrations, ask questions in the private group chat, upload exercises for technique review, record and track weights, reps etc and much more.
They cost less than your go-to uber eats order and run for 12-WEEKS, split into 3-phases.
You will be able to view exercise demonstrations, ask questions in the private group chat, upload exercises for technique review, record and track weights, reps etc and much more.
The questions take around 5-10 minutes to complete, and once you have submitted your details you will receive an email outlining what the likely cause of your pain is, what it means and how to fix it.
The questions, answers and algorithm was built after months of researching all the current available, reliable pain and injury questionnaires.
Participation in physical activity comes with risk, as does anything.
The risks however are less than the long-term health complications that can arise from poor cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal capacity, and chronic disease.
Seek guidance and advice from your doctor before participating in physical activity if in doubt.
The risks include but are not limited to; muscle strains, joint sprains, ligament or tendon tear, abnormalities of heart rhythm, heart attack, stroke and even death.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to submit an enquiry on the “Contact” page and we will endeavour to answer it as soon as possible.
Or If You’re Too Advanced To Need 1-1 help… Try Our SOLO templates.
Whether you’ve spent your fair share of time training already, or you’re an absolute beginner about to start your journey…
Irrespective of if you just want feel and move a bit better, hit huge PBs, achieve maximum performance, rid your aches or rebound from a complete injury…
We’ve made it stupidly easy to achieve your goals SOLO, all you have to do is show up and follow the plan. 👊🏻